find allies for healing

Let me make herbal blends tailored to your needs!

From plant walks to studying tastes, energetics, physiology and anatomy, making oxymels, tinctures, salves and balms, and kitchen witching my way through herbal trials and errors, I’ve been a dedicated plant nerd since 2015. Herbal medicine really shines as preventative medicine but plants are also potent palliative care allies through chronic illness. Im so grateful for the community of plant people and continuing to deepen my understanding of how plant constituents interact with human biology and as well other medications.


Herbal blends for your needs

I’ve been studying plant medicine since 2015 through classes at herb shops and self study. I attended Samara School of Community Herbalism in 2020 and the Terra Sylva School of Botanical Medicine in 2022. My studies continue in community cohorts of dedicated plant enthusiasts and continuing education around effects of covid and long covid, digestion, nervous system regulation, muscle and joint pain, mental focus, heart burn, and many other topics.

With the formulas for sale, I’ve attempted to list contraindications (though I know I’ve missed some!) and choose balancing herbs that can be suitable for most folks, but feel free to check with your doctors and please reach out with any questions to discuss what herbs might be best for you or book a session at the Feelings Farmacy (see below)!

All medicines sold here are not approved by the FDA.


The Feelings Farmacy

A mini herbal consultation and emotional check in. This is more casual than a formal full herbalism intake, we'll discuss whatever is coming up in your emotional landscape, your top health ailment, and any medications you're on and I'll prepare an herbal concoction specifically for you. I'll give you the affirmations you're craving and alchemize a medicine that can help carry you through a season; whether it’s a tough time, a big transition, or you’re just generally seeking a little bit of support! This is also a great offering for anyone with a new curiosity about working with herbs but you want a little bit of guidance before randomly buying products. This will happen over ZOOM, so an internet connection, computer or phone is needed, but anyone anywhere can book!